Monday, February 09, 2009


My friend JD (here) recently posted a youtube video of a fashion show in Britain for church ministers. I watched the short video and it made me sad. Not only did the whole fashion show deal make me sad, but the comments made by the deaconess interviewed couldn't be any more contrary to what vestments and worship is all about.

If you watch the video (here) listen to the comments that the deaconess makes at the :35 mark and following. If my hearing is correct she says:

"I've always worn bright(?) clothes and I think the clothes I want to wear as a clergy person should really reflect that...should really reflect my personality and should also reflect the glory of God's creation."

In my understanding the goal of vestments is to not only hide the individual, but also to draw one's attention toward the things of God. She is placing herself and her personality at the center of leading worship. Nothing could be further from the goal of worship. Worship is about ascribing glory to a God that is holy and glorious. It is about asking our loving Father to have mercy on us through his Son. Worship is about laying aside all earthly cares so that we may receive the King who comes invisibly - namely Jesus Christ.

If we begin to desire to see ourselves in worship then we begin to become anthropocentric instead of theocentric. We will undoubtedly begin to worship ourselves and our preferences and as such we will surely lose our souls.

Lord Have Mercy!

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