Wednesday, August 24, 2005

short thoughts on incarnational living

I'm about ready to leave for Notre Dame. I'm going there with a sound production company to run sound at a Cake show. Although this is a "trial run" with me on the team, I'm really excited. I'm excited because if I get the job I'll get a chance to be an incarnational representation of Jesus in a place that most Christians don't get to go (unless they own their own companies and only do Christian shows). The job would be a part time (weekends) thing, but either way I would get a chance to live out my faith with people who wouldn't normally set foot in a church.

I firmly believe that we don't need to water down our churches (ie: church growth movement/seeker church) to reach people who wouldn't set foot in a church. No all we need to do is to be real, to be involved with them and to live our lives in Christ's image. Incarnational ministry and living as Christ is the only way to go.

Ok well I have to go.

May you all live as Christ lived and love as Christ loved today!