Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Break Reading List

I can't believe I just made it through the semester! I think 14 credits of graduate level work (if you can call some of it that) is a little much for me, but I made it through and I only had to pull about 4 or 5 all/most-nighters.

Now that I'm done with the semester (after I turn in the paper I just finished) I've got a little time on my hands to do some reading that I want to do. While I plan to fill my break with hanging out with friends and playing a good amount of video games I also hope to get through at least two if not three books that aren't required reading.

Thus, in typically Ben fashion I'm going to create a giant book list for my next post and probably only get one book from the list read. So, what suggestions do you all have for me to read over Christmas break?

Either email me or post your suggestions in the comments and in a few days, probably after I get back from the monastery I will post a book list I hope to read over break. I would really love some suggestions so post away.

Well it's time to get some sleep, I have to be up to turn in my paper by 9:00am and then I have to bake something for our student services party before noon.

Though I haven't posted about it, it is Advent.

Happy Adventing,



scycle said...

I am America and so can you by Stephen Colbert

Anonymous said...

What should you read over Christmas break? My blog, because you owe me about five or six comments on it by this point. ha ha! just kidding. On a serious note, you should read: The Arena: An Offering to Contemporary Monasticism by Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov. Fr. Justin practically mandated that I read it; he was right, it's amazing; it's basically about how to live the Christian life totally seriously, and sums up the world view of the desert fathers.