Thursday, November 01, 2007

On the Eucharist

I'm lying in bed tonight and I just can't sleep until I post this so it'll be quick. As I was lying in my bed I couldn't help but think about the day and how it was a great day. While it may be the great weather, the fact that I didn't do anything, or any combination therein, I firmly believe it is because today I had the Eucharist for the first time since the summer in Duluth.

Surely God must meet us in this Holy Sacrament. I can't explain it fully, but my countenance is lifted, my heart is more joyous, and my outlook is more positive than it has been in weeks (a much needed thing). Glory to God forever for giving us this Holy Gift - for giving us himself in this glorious actions.

Oh, that I could avail myself of this grace more often than once a week!!

I know that I'm firmly alienating myself from most of protestantism with these thoughts, but I can't deny the clear teaching of the Church for centuries and I can't deny my experience today.

Glory, praise, and thanksgiving to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! Amen.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Um, just because you love him so much, John Wesley basically felt the same way. and if someone taught people that the Eucharist was a means of grace, then they could avail themselves of it, too.