Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Given my (and a few of my housemate's) cynical attitude toward the seminary one of them posed the question.

"Is it cynicism if we're right?"

So that's the question I offer up to you. If our percieved cynical attitude is right are we really cynics or just the only ones that can see reality?

I'd love to read your thoughts in the comments. Have at it.


Anna said...

Why are you cynical about the seminary? You could be cynical, be right about a situation, and still have a crappy attitude.

Christopher said...

I agree with Anna. I would add that you do not have to be cynical to be right or have a crappy attitude.

I think it depends upon what is more important: being right or acting lovingly (or kindly, to be more secular).

Jesse said...

As a confessed cynic, I've been realizing that the cynic always thinks they're right. Otherwise, they'd just be grumpy and/or irritating. I think becoming cynical is a natural attitude of our generation, because there is a lot of stuff we can be cynical about...but, maybe we should strive to be redemptive instead of cynical. Of course, having said that, I have no idea how that best would fit into the situation. Its all well and good for me to come along and point out that your boat is sinking, but I'm not really helping until I throw you a line.

John David Walt said...

Ben-- great question. i think cynicism is a sight disorder. to be cynical is to see reality--only a distorted image of reality. it is perception without wisdom or love or patience. ultimately, i think it is most often the fog of anger that clouds vision. i'll keep thinking and will be interested in your pushback here.