Sunday, May 14, 2006

Summer Reading List

My favorite part of the year is almost here. Summer is upon us, the semester is over (except for one massive final) and I'm starting to compile my summer reading list. I thought I'd share some of the books I'm planning on reading and ask for any suggestions on what else to read. I always end up planning on way more than I ever finish, but I think it's more fun that way. My list isn't too specific yet, but that's why I'm asking for suggestions.

Here's what I have so far:

- The Final Quest by Rick Joyner - suggested by my friend Jan
- Running Against the Wind by Brian Flynn - Suggested by my mom
- Finally finishing The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- On Being a Christian by Hans Kung

Those are the titles I've decided on. I also include at least one or two books by A. W. Tozer (as if you had any doubt) on my summer reading list but I have yet to select the titles. I also like to balance any contemporary reading I do with at least one early church father or mother for every three contemporary books I read. So I need to put those titles in, but I'm still trying to figure out what fathers and mothers I want to read. For the fathers and mothers I'm leaning toward St. Cyprian, St. Athanasius, St. Chrysostom, Macrina the Younger and (although she's not technically an early church mother) St. Teresa Avila.

So those are my thoughts. Please send me suggestions, they don't need to be theological, shoot I may even try to tackle The Da Vinci Code before I go to see the movie this summer. I'm looking to expand my horizons and feed my soul, anything that will do either one is a welcome suggestion.




tskd said...

im re-reading harry potter. ;)

Anonymous said...

An excellent short book to revive your love for the Jews I've found is "The Gospel According to Moses" by Athol Dickson. A christian attends Torah study at his local temple and shares the theology that the experience unfurls. Not horribly deep but good nonetheless.

Where do you get your books? I'm especially curious about the early church father's, and mother's writings. I guess your campus is probably steeped in theological literature.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of John Piper.

rebequinha said...

You already know what my biggest recommendations will be...

The Chronicles of Narnia! And C.S. Lewis' space trilogy.

But then after that, there's so much more good stuff out there...Sounds like you have a good starting list. If I read anything spectacular, I'll let you know!