Wednesday, February 15, 2006


So the last time I worked a country show I had some theological thoughts to post. Well, I just worked another show at the same bar with another country band and I have some more thoughts. These however are neither profound nor theological. In fact it's more one question rather than a set of thoughts. So if you all will allow me a rare deviation from my theological ponderings I will put out a question that I hope some of you may be able to answer.

Here is the question:

Why do they always put mirrors behind bars? Is it just to make the room look bigger? Why is it?

Ok, that's my question and my rare non-theological thought for the blog. I'm sure I'll post another one in another 4 or 5 months.


rebequinha said...

It's so that the people who are there to get smashed because they're really lonely have someone to talk to as they drown out their sorrows in Jack-n-Coke...their own reflection in the mirror! :) Hahahaha...

No, really, though, I think it very well might have something to do with making the room look bigger, or at least making it look brighter, since a lot of bars/clubs don't have very many windows, if any at all. So the mirrors tend to reflect the light that they DO have back into the room instead of absorbing it. At least that's my theory.

Ben said...

Don't worry Diercks, I don't feel "guilty" about not posting about God. I just have always tried to keep my posts on this page theological in nature. I allow myself a little freedom, but I just prefer to keep them that way. But be clear, it's not in some stupid protestant "have to always talk about God or it's a sin" way. It's just the purpose of the blog.

If ya all want the non-theology, you have to email!! =)